

日程 2017/12/17(日)
イベント名 ラフター+声のエクササイズ/音楽~LaughterYoga,voiceexercises&music
主催 カレジホープ ジョイ
開催時間 13:00~15:00
参加料 1,000円
連絡先 080-6746-8181
WEBサイト https://www.meetup.com/Spirituality-and-Music-Arts-Empower-your-Creativity/events/245877910/
コメント 要予約です。参加申込の後に、参加ができなくなった場合には、不参加に変更するか、私に電話ないしメッセージをいただくか、こちらのイベントのページにメッセージをいただくかで、ご連絡をいただきますように、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。

If, after registration, you cannot come to the meetup, I'd really appreciate it if you would change your RSVP status, by calling/messaging me, or by posting on the meetup page. Thank you so much for your cooperation.

The Venue 会場:
若松地域センター: 東京都新宿区若松町12-6
Wakamatsu Chiki Centre:
12-6 Wakamatsucho, Shinjuku, Tokyo 162-0056,

phone 電話: 080-6746-8181.
集合場所: 2Fロビー談話コーナー(事務所受付前)。
Meeting Place: Chatting Space in front of the information/registration desk at 2th Floor Lobby;
Meeting Time: 12:50 

Release your voice, body and inner child with Breath work/Singing/Dancin­g.
Boost your creativity by releasing your tensions/ stresses from your mind-body and your inner voice!

What we will do: Laughter Yoga and other breathing exercises, Voice exercises, humming/toning, singing/ playing music, dance and more.

(English follows after)

We will enjoy singing and dancing while we are relaxing our body and mind with Breath work including Laughter Yoga and Mindful Breathing, and Voice exercises.

Laughter Yoga is a breathing exercise based on Yogic Breathing. Though it is called Yoga, we don't do any yogic poses but do deep-belly voluntary laughing with simple, fun exercises which help us stretch our entire body.
Laughter Yoga is held in a group, moving around and interacting with others, which help us open our hearts, feel oneness and stimulate childlike playfulness and creativity.
Every time i join a Laughter Yoga session, i feel my body wants to sing and dance or express with colours - voice/song, body movement and energy want to come out from deep inside of me and express themselves, want to be released.
And this is what we are going to do at this circle.
You can bring your musical instruments if you are a musician, your tools for drawing (and etc) if you are an artist - Karaoke system and Speaker are available at the Venue, so you can also bring your favorite songs that you can share with others.
What to bring: water/soft drinks (we do lots of breathing and voice exercises - Laughter Yoga is called inner-aerobics/ running). may need towel. clothes for exercises.
The session is conducted in English and Japanese.
施設名 若松地域センター Wakamatsu Chiki Centre (12-6 Wakamatsucho, Shinjuku, Tokyo 162-0056)
開催場所 東京都 新宿区 若松町12-6
